Friday, June 12, 2009

Have you ever noticed frowning is the most common and natural facial expression?! whenever someone is concentrating, reading, writing, or something along those lines.. they normally aren't smiling. And i began to ponder why that is? and then it came to me, saying in my head that frowning comes natural to us, just like sin. We have to learn how to be good and we have to learn that smiling is simply more fun than frowning. we normally only smile when it comes to something humorous, or to show happiness or kindness to others. We ALL have to make that special effort to smile on those bad days (because we all know we have them) and push through the temptations of our enemy. it may be difficult, but its worth it! :)
smile! :P because its all awesome, and you will make yourself feel better too! i was recently told by a very wise mentor of mine, that a simple smile to a stranger in the middle of Wall mart, or on the side of the street can stop them from buying that rope to hang themselves with, or the bullets to load their gun. your simple smile can change lives! its as simple as that. people need to know that there is hope, love, and joy out in the world and that they can find it. some people just need a friend or a mentor.. maybe even just someone with that lovely smile who will just look over there way. we need to make way for the LORD to come back into this world. and we should show them that there is forgiveness in God!! they don't know God it they are feeling that much pain and grief. and they don't even comprehend the love, compassion, joy, forgiveness, hope, faith, and everything good all wrapped into one! the temptations of the enemy are no comparison to that of our God! but you must surrender EVERYTHING!! Jesus DOES love everyone and you need to feel that true, unconditional love.
i truly hope if there is anyone out there who comes across this blog, if you have any problems and maybe you are contemplating suicide because you feel, YOU think that there is no one out in this world who cares, know that ON THIS earth that i care and that in Heaven, God cares! i hope that i can be the smile to you. to show you that there are good things in this world and i am not saying this from someone who doesn't know. i know first hand the pain that pulls someone along the line of contemplating if there is any love in this world. at the beginning of this year i was placed into a mental hospital because i felt hopeless, and unloved (but truly i was blind to see all the people around me who truly I've and care for me!) i came very close to harming myself and/or others. but i went to church one Wednesday night with my friend Aubrey (God bless her heart! :D) and i was saved! God welcomed me home that night. He brought me back under his 'wing' and i felt overwhelming love and hope that night (read my first blog for more info about that special night! :D)
again, if you are one of those people, i am reaching my hand out to you and telling you that there is love in this world. :) God loves you all.
God bless you all and remember to smile.
love, Morgan