Sunday, September 20, 2009

stuff we go through will work out in the end.

I'm siting here wondering how I got were I am today. Looking at my past, missing old friends, and memories. Moving states, cities, school its all hard. But something most of us have to go through. The past has brought me JOY, DISCOMFORT, ANGER, LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, CAT FIGHTS, PEACE, MY BEST ELEMENTARY FRIEND, MY BEST MIDDLE SCHOOL FRIEND, TEARS, LAUGHING SO HARD A PEE MY PANTS, FUN, KINDNESS.
Which are all memories i am glad to have. Memories i would never want to erase. MY best friend in middle school signed my yearbook that i have recently found stating

"Morgan! OMFG! We may fight alot but know i ♥ u 2 death! I am sorry for our current fight and all the fights before now! Without you, I wouldnt be me. (Thats a good thing) Babe, I'm gonna miss you so much! thank you for always being there for me! I ♥ u!"

and those few words put me into a thought. a thought of simply wanting the life i used to have back. but without moving, without going through all those emotions i wouldnt be where i am now. i wouldnt be who i am now. the things that have been the most difficult to get through have made me a better person and reaise what great things i have. the heart breaks you learn from, the love and peace.. you hold on to. the laughing you will always remember that joke that made you see the true beauty of your friendship and the peeing your pants-- please try to forget. lol. but all-in-all my lifes been good! and if something were to happen, i think i could handle it! and thats all a girl needs to know.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Child Trafficking

i bet you didnt know it was in our own backyards, right under our noses, and our children are in danger from the traffickers. some are sold by there own parents, some are kidnapped, and some are tricked by men they trust and love. this isnt fair and americans are suppost to be good, we're suppost to know right from wrong. we are suppost to love, charish, and be the peace in the world. we are a nation of freedom. so why do we use freedom to be bad? why cant there be more people who want to help. Victory Church is doing a campaign titled 'GENERATE' we are the ones who are going to help stop Child Sex Trafficking! some girls are as young as 4 and 5 years old. most 4 and 5 year olds dont have to worry about anything more than kindergarten and scrapping there knees. most children want to be around their parent 24/7. theyre afraid to leave their side. these girls have to wonder when the next man is coming in. how many times theyre going to be raped today and tomorrow, wonder if their going to have enough cocaine to get them through all the physical and emotional pain of grown men raping them up to 40 times a day. these girls dont only want a mom and dad, safety, and freedom. the need and they diserve it! 1.2 MILLION children are being trafficked every year; in addition to the MILLIONS already trapped. 99% of the girls have never been saved, nor could they believe anyone would ever want to help them. all they know are men, all they see are men. Approx. 30 million children have lost their childhood in the past 30 years. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! BECAUSE IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM IS THIS OR WILL IT EVER BE OKAY!!

they are the voices not heard. why cant you be there? why cant we be the voices screaming out because we care and they are in pain. while you read this think of all those childrens faces, think of the pain theyre going through. they want help and freedom and WE can give it to them. so why arent we?

I.C.A. (international crisis aid) wants to build a home in St. Louis, MO. and in Atlanta, Georgia. for American girls being rescued from a horrible life. their slogan is "because love has no boundaries" and that is something we all need to live off of! you can go to and read as much as your heart dissires on how they are going to change this industry. and you can donate as much money as you would like!! :)

thank you for reading this. make a difference in the world- dont just stand by and wait for someone else to help them, because by the time the next person tries.. it may be to late.


Grab Ahold

we turn our heads from their pain,
"what do we have to gain?"
sometimes i wonder what this world is thinking,
there is a burden on my heart.

i wanna reach out and grab a hold,
a single soul that cant be sold,
they cant keep hiding,
hiding in shame.
they need to know that they are safe.

a tear is shed,
hold is found,
the heart that bled,
is now a rejoiced sound.
the burden is lifted
because the world has shifted,

i wanna reach out and grab a hold,
a single soul that cant be sold,
they cant keep hiding,
hiding in shame.
they need to know that they are safe.

they were lost,
but now they're forever found,
but now they're forever found.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Have you ever noticed frowning is the most common and natural facial expression?! whenever someone is concentrating, reading, writing, or something along those lines.. they normally aren't smiling. And i began to ponder why that is? and then it came to me, saying in my head that frowning comes natural to us, just like sin. We have to learn how to be good and we have to learn that smiling is simply more fun than frowning. we normally only smile when it comes to something humorous, or to show happiness or kindness to others. We ALL have to make that special effort to smile on those bad days (because we all know we have them) and push through the temptations of our enemy. it may be difficult, but its worth it! :)
smile! :P because its all awesome, and you will make yourself feel better too! i was recently told by a very wise mentor of mine, that a simple smile to a stranger in the middle of Wall mart, or on the side of the street can stop them from buying that rope to hang themselves with, or the bullets to load their gun. your simple smile can change lives! its as simple as that. people need to know that there is hope, love, and joy out in the world and that they can find it. some people just need a friend or a mentor.. maybe even just someone with that lovely smile who will just look over there way. we need to make way for the LORD to come back into this world. and we should show them that there is forgiveness in God!! they don't know God it they are feeling that much pain and grief. and they don't even comprehend the love, compassion, joy, forgiveness, hope, faith, and everything good all wrapped into one! the temptations of the enemy are no comparison to that of our God! but you must surrender EVERYTHING!! Jesus DOES love everyone and you need to feel that true, unconditional love.
i truly hope if there is anyone out there who comes across this blog, if you have any problems and maybe you are contemplating suicide because you feel, YOU think that there is no one out in this world who cares, know that ON THIS earth that i care and that in Heaven, God cares! i hope that i can be the smile to you. to show you that there are good things in this world and i am not saying this from someone who doesn't know. i know first hand the pain that pulls someone along the line of contemplating if there is any love in this world. at the beginning of this year i was placed into a mental hospital because i felt hopeless, and unloved (but truly i was blind to see all the people around me who truly I've and care for me!) i came very close to harming myself and/or others. but i went to church one Wednesday night with my friend Aubrey (God bless her heart! :D) and i was saved! God welcomed me home that night. He brought me back under his 'wing' and i felt overwhelming love and hope that night (read my first blog for more info about that special night! :D)
again, if you are one of those people, i am reaching my hand out to you and telling you that there is love in this world. :) God loves you all.
God bless you all and remember to smile.
love, Morgan

Thursday, June 11, 2009

looking in the mirror, do you see what God sees?

i dont care if you have a "more to love" body, or a body like Twiggy's. people shouldnt judge each other on the outside appearence. thats not what God sees!! He looks straight in our hearts. We look in the mirror and say things like "eww!" or "i shouldnt have eaten that pizza." or we can just pick out which celebrities nose we'd rather, than our own. I've been there, I know what im talking about! but recently.. well, earlier this year, my youth group at church did this thing called "Rare Beauty Conference '09" it was a safe, comfortable envirnment where only girls (sorry boys) could get together and talk about the things that bothered us, and they could be about our outside appearence or whaat we see happening at our school,, people being picked on for being too thin, or too thick. this world is so messed up. and we can all help by not participating in this "fun" (and i DID put the "" bc i wonder, myself how people can be so crewl just laughing at saying mean things to HURT OTHER PEOPLE!) lately, one of my friends was talking to a guy at summer school, and he asked her if i was pregnant. when she told me that my heart shattered. BUT then i realised once again that everything i had learned at Rare Beauty had gone out the door when something bad was said. and God doesnt want us to be self-concenions!! He wants us to see ourselves and others as HIS PORTRAITS!

Psalm 139: 13-16 says "For you created my immost
being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; youre works
are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not
hidden from you when i
was made in that secret place. When i was woven
together in the depths of the
earth, you're eyes saw my unformed

this is how God wants us to view others. but mostly this is how we should view OURSELVES!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

we can make it a fresh beginning. :)

Ever since i was a little girl Ive had big dreams, little did i know i wasnt gonna be able to get anywhere without knowing Christ as my LORD and SAVIOR! Knowing Christ was the biggest step ive taken, and the best!

A few months ago, i started goin to Victory Church for the youth ministry, and that very first night i was there.. i could hear my heart pounding in my chest BOOM BOOM BOOM and i almost felt light headed. i felt tears streaming down my cheeks (but wipping them away of fear of looking rediculous). Pastor Ron then had asked who needed to ask Jesus Christ into their lives, either again, or for the first time. With everyones eyes closed and heads bowed. One by one i coulted the tears hiting the chair i was leaning on.. "one, two, three, four..." my hand slowly raised and as soon as i heard "thank you young lady, God bless." my hand fell down, back on the chair again. "ten,eleven,twelve..." i continued counting my tears drop on the chair. Pastor Ron then asked everyone who raised their hand to come up to the front for prayer to pray for salvation. my head shot up, and i looked at Aubrey saying "i cant go up there, i cant" she nudged me, but there was just no was. too much had already happened and i felt too weak. he asked if everyone had come up, knowing i hadnt. i thought he was gonna let it go. little did i know, no less that 4 seconds later Pastor Ron was at the fold up chair in front of me with the mic. and asking my name, he said something to the effect of, youre prolly gonna get reallly mad at me for this, but my pastor had to do this to me too. and he pulled the chair forward, asked me name&& stuck the mic in my face as i amswered "Morgan." and he was like "okay, now we have everyone" as he pulled me up to the front (i dragged Aubrey along too). and i stood there until i felt hands surrounding me and Pastor Ron asked us to repeat him in a salvation prayer, and i did.. along with the other teens who needed salvation that night. then he apparently said for all of us to go to the back room, where leaders would pray with us and help us get on our way. and i didnt hear it, or thought he wasnt talking to us, i tried so hard to rush back to my seat and hide. and then Jenn K. got on stage and was going to say annoincments but one of them ended up being "Morgan, you cant hide!" (so i can thank that lovely lady for THAT. lol*)

so thats the story of my new beginning, now that was the best thing thats ever happened to me. WITHOUT A DOUBT IN THE WORLD! im not hear to say life as a TRUE Christian is going to b easy, but u can sure bet its gonna be worth it! GOD DOES LOVE YOU, EACH OF HIS CHILDREN PLAY A SPECIAL ROLE IN HIS LIFE.